Dieter Nuhr – About the disappearance of images (2024)

Preview February 4, 2024, 3-6 p.m.
Exhibition duration: February 4th – March 16th, 2024

The Düsseldorf artist Dieter Nuhr is showing his fifth solo exhibition at Galerie Obrist. While the photographic aspects of his artistic work were previously the focus, new elements are now being added: Nuhr works with digital brushes, combining them with photographic material, patterns and structures, he paints with data. Layer by layer, images emerge from photographs that seem like paintings, an intention that also emerged in Nuhr’s purely photographic works. In the new pictures, their own disappearance is now recorded, so to speak. Just as the memory of an event or a place gradually slips away from our memory and actually only exists in the snapshot from back then, Nuhr’s pictures also show us how an image that was actually captured and perceived disappears before our eyes and merges indivisible with other picture elements. A text from the Osthaus Museum in Hagen says: “What is photographed is lost, only to be re-constructed in the painting process. Images slip away and re-form themselves.”