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“In my work, art shows its possessive and sinister side, although my accumulations of materials and objects into sculptural structures made of everyday building materials.
I combine MDF boards, cardboard, plaster and polyurethane foam with architecture or with serving objects such as furniture modules so that everyone can see them.
With their monstrous outgrowths, my sculptural installations suggest structural damage or the idea of space being taken over by alien beings.
Although the materials and objects used are easily recognizable, the half-curious, half-suspicious, but somehow obsessive question whether this rampant life of its own is actually over or whether the viewer is confronted with a process that is threatening him too.
However, the apparent proximity to nature (wasp nests and other animal structures) follows the strategic calculation of artistic positioning.
Nature can look like art, and vice versa. This in turn has little to do with naturalism.
The abstract-formal qualities of the three-dimensional structures are fulfilled in connection with what is already there – space or thing (like office furniture, for example).
The interventions seem coherent, as if the infested building or object (the “host”) itself hatched the raging essential event.
In this way, my installations occupy reality with relish and serious humour”.
Jáchym Fleig was born in Villingen-Schwenningen in 1970 and, after training as a stone sculptor with Micha Ullman and Eberhard Bosslet, studied fine arts at the art academies in Stuttgart and Dresden. He also studied for two years at the Slade School of Fine Art and at the Royal College of Art in London in the Fine Art course. In 2003 he completed his studies as a master student of Eberhard Bosslet. From 2009 to 2011 he passed the second state examination for teaching at high schools in the field of fine arts[1]. Jáchym Fleig is a member of the German Association of Artists, the Association of Artists in Baden-Württemberg and the Association of Düsseldorf Artists.
Jáchym Fleig’s website
Solo exhibitions
2022 through, Obrist Gallery, Essen (with Armin Hartenstein)
2021 Application, Forum Kunst Rottweil
2020 New Works, GB Kunst, Palais Waldersdorff, Trier
2019 Obstruction, Kunstraum 34, Stuttgart
2018 stocking, Kunstmuseum Singen
2018 Liaison, Saarland Artists’ House, Saarbrücken
2017 EPHEMERE Dortmunder U, Dortmund
2017 SHIFT Factory Heeder, Krefeld
2017 STRUCTURAL REFORM Gallery Heike Strelow, Frankfurt a. M
2016 SHIFT, art association Aurich
2016 RISE, Rizzuto Gallery, Palermo, Italy
2016 Tapes, art and project space, kiosk am Reileck, Halle/Saale
2015 “Accumulation” Museum Art.Plus (Museum Biedermann), Donaueschingen
2015 Menu. Sculpture, installation, forum for art and culture, Herzogenrath
2014 efflorescence, Kunstverein Duisburg
2013 collateral, Kunstverein coop. Kunsthaus, Viernheim
2013 Twist, Gallery Heike Strelow, Frankfurt a. M. (with Astrid Korntheuer)
2012 cover pod sukni / under the skirt, DADS – Gallery, Liberec, Czech Republic
2011 Limbus, Kunstverein Trier Junge Kunst, together with Ulrike Mundt
2010 Ceiling relief, Neuer Kunstverein Gießen
2007 Blind Date, Mandy Gallery, Leipzig
2007 Huésped, MACG Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City
2002 occupation, Kunstverein Trossingen
Group exhibitions (selection)
2022 Flux4art, Kunsthalle Mainz
2022 REFLECTOR, New Saxon Gallery, Chemnitz
2021 The nature of desires, Stadtmuseum Hüfingen
2020 Flux4Art, Sayner Hütte, Bendorf
2020 relationship and difference Adamo / Fleig, Art Association Trier young art
2019 Kahnweiler Prize, Rockenhausen
Drawing the bow in 2019, 100 years of the Darmstadt Secession
Drawing the bow in 2019, 100 years of the Darmstadt Secession
2019 Full Throttle – FULL SPEED, Museum ART.PLUS, Donaueschingen
2018 twenty one. Views of an art association, new art association Giessen
2018 Art&Passion, Art Museum Gelsenkirchen
2017 Salon d`Automne, Grand Palais des Champs – Elysées, Paris
2017Presence, criticism, utopia, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
2017New Friends Art Association Duisburg
2017quantum leap Rizzutogallery, Palermo, Italy
2016 DEW21, Art Prize 2016, Dortmund
2016 Space+Object, “Zeitraum”, Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen
2016 North Art 2016, Büdelsdorf
2016 The Great Art Exhibition NRW, Düsseldorf
2015 “Art Prize Robert Schumann”, Trier
2015 CARGO I, DADS – Gallery, Liberec, CZ
2015 Large art exhibition NRW, Düsseldorf
2014 Sites en Ligné, Belgium
2014 Perspectives on Sculpture, Cuxhavener Kunstverein
2013 TRIAL&ERROR, Shedhalle Tübingen – Forum for contemporary art
2013 inside outside, new Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop
2013 Large art exhibition NRW, Düsseldorf
2012 Art Salon 2012, House of Art, Munich
2012 Ostrale`12, Dresden
2011 fish with broken dreams, Gallery Heike Strelow, Frankfurt
2011 Biomorph!, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen
2010 km 500/3, Kunsthalle Mainz
2010 5×3, Kunstraum Düsseldorf
2010 Blickwechsel, Kultursekretariat NRW Gütersloh / Stadt Plettenberg
2009 When there’s funding, it’s actually full throttle, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg
2009 Lehmbruck workshop, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg
2008 Art Prize of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, Morat Institute Freiburg
2008 Lehmbruck scholarship holders present, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg
2007 one plus, Waldthausen Castle, Mainz
2004 Forum de Arte Franco – Allemand, Chateau de Vaudremont, Lyon, France
2003 Our Mutual Friend, Bloomberg Space, London
2002 new contemporaries, STATIC gallery, Liverpool / Barbican Center, London
Awards and Awards
2022 1st place, competition for the extension of the Weißenthurm primary school, realization
2021 Wilke – studio, scholarship, Bremerhaven
2019 Sculpture Space, New York, artist in residence
2016 DEW21 Art Prize 2016, Dortmund
2015 Scholarship Kavalierhaus Langenargen
2014 Röderhof working grant from the state of Saxony-Anhalt
2014 exhibition funding, Kunststiftung NRW
2013 Catalog funding from the Kunstfonds Foundation, Bonn
2013 Art Prize Sculpture LebensArt – Foundation, Cologne
2009 Scholarship from the Artists’ House in Balmoral Castle, Bad Ems
2007 Wilhelm Lehmbruck grant from the city of Duisburg (until 2009)
2006 scholarship from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony
2004 Art Prize of the Darmstadt Secession, Sculpture
2002 Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, residency scholarship
2000 Hegenbarth scholarship, Dresden
1997 Cusanuswerk, Episcopal scholarship (until 2002)